Cohiba Riviera Robusto, presents a Cuban style premium cigar, crafted to produce a medium to full bodied smoke experience. This Riviera cigar is box-pressed, hand-rolled in the 5.0” x 52 Robusto size, and features fillers and binders from Honduras and Nicaragua, wrapped tightly inside an aged ripened San Andrés tobacco leaf. Cohiba only uses the finest tobacco leaves when constructing each cigar. Look for Cohiba Riviera Robusto cigars packaged in a 20-count box, online at a low discount price, available today at Smokers Discounts.
Manufacturer: General Cigar
Rolling Type: Handmade
Flavor: Natural
Length: 5.0"
Ring: 52
Shape: Robusto
Cigar Section: Box-Pressed
Wrapper Type: San Andrés
Binder: Honduran Connecticut
Filler: Honduran Jamastran, Honduran La Entrada,
Nicaraguan Condega, Nicaraguan Esteli
Origin: Dominican Republic
Strength: Medium-to-Full Bodied
Wrapper Color: Medium Brown / Natural
Packaging: Box of 20 Cigars