Cohiba Riviera Cigars
Cohiba Cigars Riviera stands as an example of excellence and refinement in the artistry of hand-rolling premium cigars. Cohiba only uses the finest tobacco leaves for the final construction of each cigar. The Riviera series features a meticulously curated blend with fillers and binders from Honduras, Nicaragua, with a featured wrapper sourced from tobacco leaves harvested exclusively from the renowned and fertile San Andrés region. These handmade cigars are
Riviera cigars are proudly crafted in the Dominican Republic, a country world renowned for its Cuban style, rich cigar-making tradition. Cohiba's only employees the best master blenders and rollers, who work tirelessly to ensure each cigar meets the brand's exacting standards of quality and excellence.
Find your perfect smoke, and indulge in the luxury of a Cohiba Riviera cigar premium cigars today. Here at Smokers Discounts, we offer a variety of sizes listed below to suit your smoking preference. We offer competitive prices and ensure your cigars are delivered fresh, right to your front door. Call us for more details!