752 Filtered Cigars Gold (Smooth)
752 Filtered Cigars Gold (Smooth), are produced with a perfect amount of 100% high-quality American–grown tobacco blends, infused with mild and smooth flavors, packed inside a micro thin natural tobacco leaf paper. 752 Gold filtered cigars are machine-made, fastened with a filtered tip on the end. To ensure maximum freshness, each hard pack possesses a flip-top box and is sealed until ready to use. A carton of 100mm size premium filtered cigars packaged 20 per pack, 10 packs to a carton for a total of 200 available here, at Smokers Discounts.
Manufacturer: Inter-Continental Trading USA Inc.
Profile: Smooth
Flavor: Mild
Length: 3.5
Gauge: 24
Wrapper: Natural
Strength: Mild
Packaging: Carton of 10 Packs of 20