Hav-A-Tampa Jewels Cigars
Hav-A-Tampa Jewels Cigars, are high-quality machine-made cigars, skillfully crafted using premium Dominican and Honduran tobaccos. The natural wrappers used for the Hav-A-Tampa Jewels produce a smoke that’s smooth and mellow with a lightly sweetened flavor to the taste. Each Jewel is fastened with a Birchwood filtered tip providing a woody note essence to the smoke.
Length: 4 7/8
Ring: 29
Flavor: Natural
Wrapper Type: Homogenized Tobacco Leaf
Binder: Homogenized Tobacco Leaf
Filler: Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed
Shape: Birchwood-Tipped Cigarillos
Strength: Mellow
Wrapper Color: Light Brown / Natural
Origin: United States
Packaging: 10 Packs of 5 Cigars (50 Total)