Punch Knuckle Buster Habano
Another great premium Cuban style cigar product offered from the world-renowned Punch brand.
The Knuckle Buster Habano cigar line by Punch is created from a filler blend that features a high-quality mixture of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, hand-rolled perfectly inside a ripened aged Colorado Maduro colored Nicaraguan Habano tobacco leaf wrapper.
There is major craftmanship used in constructing these cigars. They are individually handmade by skilled artisans to ensure that each cigar is rolled totally flawless and perfect. The results produce a well-balanced smoke profile, medium in strength, flavorful in taste, and yielding a consistent clean and even burn, with a satisfying draw. The ash also holds firm and solid.
Whether you're an experienced aficionado or someone looking to explore the premium cigar world, the Knuckle Buster Habano is a stellar choice that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Where to buy Punch Knuckle Buster cigars? Here at Smokers Discounts, we offer a variety of sizes and flavors listed below at our online tobacco store. Each of these styles are in stock and available for a low discount price, ready to be shipped and delivered right to your front doorstep! Call us for more details!