Punch Deluxe
A Timeless Taste of Luxury
Punch Deluxe cigars are composed of a harmonious blend of top-tier tobaccos. The filler blend typically consists of a carefully selected mixture of fine aged tobaccos from the regions of Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Honduras. The main feature of the Deluxe line is the Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf wrapper, which showcases an attractive appearance and contributes to the overall complexity of the cigar's flavor profile.
Punch Deluxe cigars are expertly crafted and hand-rolled by skilled artisans who pay painstaking attention to detail, constructing cigars that are flawless, with a clean, even burn, an easy draw, and a solid ash that holds firm.
The Punch Deluxe cigars offer a medium bodied strength level, making them suitable for both experienced aficionados and those looking to explore an exquisite and well-rounded premium cigar. The balance of flavors ensures a satisfying and enjoyable smoke from start to finish.
Where to buy Punch Deluxe handmade Cigars? Here at Smokers Discounts, we offer a variety of sizes and flavors listed below at our online tobacco store. Each of these styles are in stock and available for a low discount price, ready to be shipped and delivered right to your front doorstep! Call us for more details!