Cohiba Connecticut Cigars
Introduced in 2019 by the General Cigar Company, the Connecticut is the first premium cigar line produced by Cohiba to feature a Connecticut Shade wrapper as its mainstay tobacco leaf. Grown and harvested under shade in the Los Rios province of Ecuador, the Cohiba Connecticut exhibits a near- veinless appearance but a slight bit darker than standard Connecticut leaves grown in the U.S. To give this premium cigar an extra bonus of flavoring, a five-country blend was added featuring aged tobaccos from Mexico, Brazil, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.
The Cohiba Connecticut are handmade premium cigars offered at an everyday smoker's price, affordable and available to cigar connoisseurs everywhere! Smokers Discounts has made it easy to buy premium cigars online, with a box delivered right to your front door. Try the one of the varieties of sizes and flavors listed below at our online cigar store. Each of these styles are in stock today at a low discount price! Call us for more details!