La Venga Cigars
What makes the La Venga premium cigar line so unique? Each is still handcrafted in the old Cuban style by highly skilled artisans, who meticulously infuse binders with aged filler tobaccos grown and harvest locally from the Jamastran Valley in Honduras.
When searching for a high-quality Honduran Cigar, any expert will tell you, the key to the best flavor is the wrapper, it is the most important ingredient to any cigar recipe. La Venga cigars offer two tobacco styles that fit this formula. A natural light brown Connecticut shade providing a smooth and creamy taste, or a dark Maduro Connecticut Broadleaf that’s bold and robust. Each offer a very flavorful smoking experience that’s relaxing and enjoyable.
La Venga are hand-rolled premium cigars that make an excellent choice for any cigar connoisseur. Smokers Discounts has made it easy and affordable to buy cigars online. A variety of sizes and flavors are listed below at our discount cigar store. Each of these styles are in stock and available today. Call us for more details!