Kristoff Sumatra Cigars
Produced in the Dominican Republic, Kristoff Sumatra handmade premium cigars offer enthusiasts a traditional Cuban flavored smoke due to the infusion of special blend of fine aged Cuban Seed Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, combined with a Brazilian binder and hand-rolled in a beautiful oily and silky Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. Each Kristoff Sumatra is medium bodied in strength creating a bold character with light notes of spice and pepper. A great choice when looking for a solid and dependable premium cigar for everyday enjoyment.
Kristoff Sumatra cigars can be delivered right to your front doorstep! Smokers Discounts has made it easy and affordable to buy hand-rolled cigars online. A variety of sizes and flavors are listed below in our online cigar store. Each of these styles are in stock and available for a low discount price! Call us for more details!