AVO Syncro Nicaragua Cigars
Introduced in 2015 by master blender and cigar craftsman extraordinaire Avo Uvezian, AVO Syncro Nicaragua are box-pressed hand-rolled premium cigars produced at Avo’s private estate plantation in the Dominican Republic. Billed as the boldest release from the AVO brand to date, each Syncro Nicaragua premium cigar uses a darker Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and is packed full of rich tobacco blends, with Dominican binders and fillers from the Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Peru. Connoisseurs who enjoy a medium to full-bodied cigar that delivers a perfectly smooth and balanced smoke, will love Syncro Nicaragua premium cigars for their impressive amount of depth, complexity, harmony and taste.
"When you open your life to the magic of exotic cultures, the possibilities can be extraordinary." — Avo Uvezian
AVO Syncro Nicaragua is a premium cigar line offered at an everyday smoker's price. Smokers Discounts has made it easy and affordable to buy cigars online. A variety of sizes and flavors are listed below at our discount online cigar store. Each of these styles are in stock and available. Call us for more details!